Don't forget February 14 - Pah!
THERE is a huge sign on the side of a garden centre which I pass every day on my way to work which reads "Don't forget February 14, Valentine's Day". Ha! As if I could!
It seems every way you turn you're confronted by massive teddy bears, cut out hearts, boxes of chocolates and sick making smoochy couples.
Bitter, moi?
Ok, well, maybe I AM a tiny bit bitter. Valentine's Day is great if you're part of a couple (Daddy Dunne still sends Mammy Dunne a card every February 14 signed Guess Who?) but not so great if you're perpetually single, like yours truly.
This year it falls on a Tuesday which means that both this weekend AND next will be taken over by smug couples celebrating, meaning single people (aka me) will have to stay at home in front of the telly with the best part of the Lams Chinese Takeaway menu.
It’ll be a nightmare on Tuesday too, cos you know there are always those people in an office who make the same ‘oh sorry I’m late I couldn’t get out the door because of the amount of Valentine’s I got’ jokes while you sit there thinking about the pitiful bowl of pasta which is all that will be waiting to welcome you when you get home.
And every time a deliveryman comes to the door you’ll be secretly on the edge of your seat thinking that maybe, just maybe, the flowers might be for you from some hitherto unknown admirer…only for the pretty girl from accounts to come beaming back into the office wittering about her ‘so thoughtful’ sweetie.
Double sigh.
The sooner Valentine’s Day is over the better as far as I’m concerned. I think the next ‘holiday’ at least here in Ireland is St Patrick’s Day and that just concerns drinking and waving flags about. Now THAT I can handle!